Foreign students

Courses for Erasmus and foreign students

Foreign and Erasmus students can attend all courses taught in Italian and in English offered by the School of Law. Courses in English take place both in Fall and Spring semester.

The School of Law provides two programs taught in English:

Peacekeeping, International Humanitarian Law and Transitional Justice

  • International Peacekeeping and United Nation Law – IUS/13 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • Refugee Law – IUS/13 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • European Union Common and Security Defence Policy – IUS/14 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • Transitional Justice and State Building – IUS/08 (6 CFU) [Fall Semester]
  • International Humanitarian Law – IUS/13 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • Human Rights – IUS/13 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]

Comparative Law of Business Organizations

  • Foundations of Business Law-IUS/04 (6 CFU) [Fall Semester]
  • EU Antitrust Law – IUS/14 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • Comparative Criminal Procedure and Corporate Liability – IUS/16 (3 CFU) [Fall Semester]
  • Comparative Civil and Commercial Procedure – IUS/15 (3 CFU) [Fall Semester]
  • Business and Consumer Contracts in a Global Perspective – IUS/02 (6 CFU) [Fall Semester]
  • Public Regulation of Markets – IUS/10 (6 CFU) [Spring Semester]
  • International and Comparative Corporate Taxation – IUS/12 (6 CFU) [Fall Semester]

Students can attend all the courses included in one of the programs or they can choose one or more courses within the two programs.

At discretion of teachers, courses in Italian provide didactic materials in foreign languages, mainly in English.

The schedule for lectures is provided in a dedicated section.

This is the link to the Syllabus for the 4th and 5th years.

For additional information, please download the attachment and visit the page Catalogue of courses taught in English.

Members of the International Commission of the School of Law are available to meet foreign students during their office hours to be checked at their personal webpage.


The University of Milano Bicocca has implemented the Bicocca University Angels Project. In this project, the international office provides you with a tutor that will give you support throughout all your mobility period. There is one tutor for each department/school.

►Academic year 2023/24


25th Sept. 2023 – 19th Jan. 2024


27th Nov. – 1st Dec. 2023

22nd Jan. – 23rd Feb. 2024


26th Feb. 2024 – 7th Jun. 2024


13th – 17th May 2024

10th June – 26th July 2024

2nd – 27th Sept. 2024

Incoming students

1) Introduce yourself to the School of Law and handle a copy of your personal data (address, Italian telephone number, mail) to the Mobility assistant, during the Office opening hours;
2) Check with the Administrative assistant the courses you chose;
3) If any amendments are needed, please submit them until 30 days from your arrival.

The procedures to register (or sign up) for the exams of the courses you have chosen on your Learning Agreement are entirely computerized.

1. You can start signing up for an exam about from 20 days before until 3 working days prior to the official exam date. Once you have duly logged in BACHECA APPELLI by authenticating with your credentials and you have selected the course, your name is added to the preprinted exam list.
If your name is not in the list, you cannot take the exam.

2.Once you have passed the exam:
Registration of the grade. The teacher fills in the exam record at the end of the exam (oral and/or written), and your grade is simultaneously validated and it appears on the TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS which will be sent to your home university at the end of your stay.

3.In case you do not pass the exam:
You have to follow the same procedure as described in point 1.

Even if you have taken an exam before the official exam date, you have to be present on the day of the exam, otherwise your grade will not be valid!

a) if you do not correctly follow the sign-up and registration procedure for the exams you have chosen to take, your TOR will be dispatched late, due to long procedures of tracing the exams you have taken, and this might have negative consequences on the development of your career at your home university.
b) each national university system and each university in Europe employ different validation procedures for exams. The procedures applied in your home university will not necessarily coincide with the ones applied at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult the School International Office Staff. 

Please remember to complete all the procedures described in what follows:
a) Come to our office to get a signature on your Certificate of Good Standing.
b) Leave us a declaration about the exams you have taken and the last version of LA and amendments form (if we don’t have it already).
c) Complete the signing-out procedure at the International Office.

Click here for more infos.