ERASMUS PLUS KA107 – Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

OPEN CALL for short-term visiting lecturer in Bioethics and Biolaw with PHD in Philosophy of  

Law at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitoria, Brasil. The call is part of Erasmus Plus Project

(KA107) Project code 2019-1-IT02-KA107-061621 between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the

Federal University of Espírito Santo. The teaching is at the Faculty of Law (Dipartimento de Direito) of

the Federal University of Espírito Santo. The topics to be taught range from analytical legal philosophy

(analysis of legal concepts, analysis of legal language, discrimination) to bioethical and bio-legal issues

(mainly, albeit not limited to, genetics, data protection, human enhancement, robotics and AI).

-Mobility period:

 Within the project period from April 15th 2021 to 30th July 2022-

No. of Positions: 1 Professor

-Assessment criteria include:

  • • the applicant’s previous teaching experience on the topics as abovementioned
  • • specific research projects on bioethical and biolegal issue
  • • publications on the topics as abovementioned in English and, possibly in Portuguiese
  • • supervision of academic papers of students on the topic of the proposed courses
  • • knowledge of the bioethical context of the hosting country

-Teaching activity:

The teaching consists of min. 8 hours of frontal lessons and will be held in English. The exact duration

 of the visit is negotiable. Travel and individual support will be entirely covered by the project, based on

the grant conditions as stated in the Inter-institutional agreement signed.

Applications should be addressed to the attention of Mrs Patrizia Scapinelli and sent via e-mail to

patrizia.scapinelli@unimib.it with reference ‘visiting lecturer in Bioethics and Biolaw with PHD in


Philosophy of Law’. Applications must include a detailed curriculum vitae with didactict and reasearch

activities and a full list of publications.

Deadline for submission of applications from March 15th, 2021 to March 30, 2021.

-Evaluation criteria:

Curriculum and qualifications (up to 80 points)

Language Proficiency (up to 20 points)


The Evaluation Committee:

President: Paola Ombretta Cuneo (Professor of Roman Law, School of Law)

Member: Michele Saporiti (Professor of Philosophy of law, School of law)

Administrative assistant: Patrizia Scapinelli (School of law)


Publication of selection results:

Selection results for the Mobility Project will be announced at the website

https://giurisprudenza.unimib.it/it no later than April 9th, 2021