Visiting professors and fellows

The School of Law finances a Visiting Program  addressed to scholars  in Law or in cognate fields from foreign universities or research centers, as well as for individuals engaged in post-doctoral studies from around the world.

In order to take part in the intellectual and social life of the School of Law, visitors should get in contact with a professor of the School of Law (i.e. contact person).

The program provides visitors access to the University facilities (including libraries) and to an individual workstation placed in the School of Law to carry out research activities.

At the end of the stay, visitors will receive an attendance certificate and the “Visiting Professor” or “Visiting Fellow” title. The “Visiting Professor” title is exclusively awarded to full or associate foreign professors. The “Visiting Fellow” title is awarded to foreign assistant professors and post-doc fellows.

Minimum stay for all categories of visitors has to be no less than 30 continuous days. Visitors are expected to work on their research project.

During their stay, Visiting Scholars are asked to carry out research activity and/or to teach courses or seminars.

For further information concerning our visiting programs see also:

Applicants must submit their applications with reference “visiting incoming” to the e-mail address and must include, on pain of exclusion:

  • the curriculum vitae of the applicant including the list of publications;
  • the name of the institutional affiliation;
  • an invitation letter from a contact person at the School of Law of the University of Milano-Bicocca;
  • a detailed research project;
  • a declaration of commitment to recognizing in a possible research article that it is the result of his/her stay at the School of Law;
  • a declaration of readiness to carry out didactic activities if requested;
  • indication of the period of stay (with a minimum of 30 continuous days);
  • a declaration of receiving or not receiving a remuneration or a financial support to cover expenses from the host entity (or from other entities) and indication of the amount of the remuneration or of the financial support;
  • amount of the requested financial support. In any case, the amount must not exceed 2000 Euros for applicants from a European State and must not exceed 2500 Euros for applicants from non-European countries.

Applicants must download, fill and sign the following application form and attach it to the e-mail together with the above listed documents.

Applications must be submitted at least 45 days before arriving at the School of Law.

Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or refusal of their applications. In case of acceptance, they will receive all necessary information to proceed.

What happens in case the Visitor does not stay for 30 continuous days?
Failure to respect the 30 days’ threshold would result in the denial of the allowance for the expenses (if applicable) and the impossibility to being awarded the academic title of “Visiting Professor” or “Visiting Researcher”.

Is there a maximum amount that can be reimbursed?
For applicants who have applied for financial support, the amount of the allowance will be determined during the evaluation process of the academic project of the Incoming Visitor and should not exceed 2000 Euros for applicants from a European State and must not exceed 2500 Euros for applicants from non-European countries.

Once the reimbursement has been granted by the Law School, what are the administrative conditions for obtaining the reimbursement?
According to the current applicable regulation of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Regolamento Missioni), the allowance for reimbursement for expenses will follow these rules:
1) Incoming Visitors will have to anticipate all the travel and accomodation expenses and to keep all the original documents (for example, fiscal bills, tickets, boarding passes, etc.) proving the expense and cost sustained during their stay in Milan.
2) As for travel expenses, Visitors should consider that only travels to and from Milan are reimbursed.
For any other administrative conditions, please read the “Regolamento Missioni”.

Manal Totry-Jubran, Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Visiting Period: 16 September-17 October 2023
Research Topic: Is Multiculturalism Bad for Minorities? The Case of Internal Group Conflicts in Israel

Inga Žukovaitė, Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Visiting Period: 1 September-30 September 2023
Research Topic: Are Remote Criminal Proceedings Just and Fair Proceedings?

Andrés Rossetti, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – UNC (Argentina)
Visiting Period: 1 March-30 June 2023
Research Topic: Human Rights: Critical Reflections on Their Significance, Usefulness and Perspectives

Francisco Humberto Cunha Filho, Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR (Brazil)
Visiting Period: 19 October -2 December 2022
Research Topic: How Brazil and the European Union and Italy Ensure Popular Participation in Their Protection Systems – Material and Immaterial – of Cultural Heritage

Menelaos Markakis, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
Visiting Period: 20 settembre-21 ottobre 2022
Research Topic: Accountability and Democratic Legitimacy in the Economic and Monetary Union

Eugenio Vaccari, University of London (UK)
Visiting Period: 3 April-4 May 2022
Research Topic: A Modular Approach to Restructuring and Insolvency Law: Post-Petition Financing, Termination Clauses and Onerous Contracts in England and Italy

Athanasios Psygkas, University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Visiting Period: 1 November-31 December 2021
Research Topic: The Participatory Democracy Matrix Strengthening Democracy in Pluralistic Societies

Wojciech Brzozowski, Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland)
Visiting Period: 1 October-15 December 2021
Research Topic: Understanding Conscientious Objection

Betül Hayrullahoğlu, Uşak Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Visiting Period: 15 September-13 December 2021
Research Topic: Turkey’s Individual Application Experience in Terms of Taxation Policies: Suggestions for Italy

Lucas Lixinski, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Visiting Period: 20 January-20 march 2020
Research Topic: Cultural Heritage Law and Transitional Justice: The Law and Politics of Tragedy Corpses and Atrocity Museums

Uladzislau Belavusau, T.M.C. Asser Instituut (the Netherlands)
Visiting Period: 3 October-30 November 2019
Research Topic: Memory Laws and Fundamental Rights in the Council of Europe, EU and CEE

Anna Labedzka, University of Surrey (UK)
Visiting Period: 6 May-6 July 2019
Research Topic: Democratic Crisis of the European Union. Could Mechanisms of Internal Conditionality Be an Answer? A Contribution to the Ongoing Debate on the Rise of Illiberal Regimes in the European Union

Nosson Perlman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Visiting Period: 6 February-8 May 2019
Research Topic: Freedom of Expression and the Desecretion of Flags and Religious Books

Valentina Faggiani, Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Visiting Period: 29 January-30 April 2019
Research Topic: The New Declinations of the Citizenship in European Constitutional Law

Charles Maimela, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Visiting Period: 15 October-15 November 2018
Research Topic: Law and Pluralism



I professori e i ricercatori afferenti al Dipartimento che si rechino presso istituzioni universitarie, di ricerca o di alta formazione non italiane (enti ospitanti) per un periodo minimo continuativo di 30 giorni (c.d. visiting in uscita), possono candidarsi a ricevere un finanziamento da parte del Dipartimento per il soggiorno all’estero.

La domanda, avente ad oggetto “visiting outgoing”, deve essere inviata all’indirizzo e deve includere, a pena di esclusione:

a. il progetto di ricerca;
b. la lettera di invito dell’istituzione estera ospitante;
c. la dichiarazione di impegno a soggiornare presso l’ente ospitante per un periodo minimo e continuativo di 30 giorni e a farsi rilasciare lettera di conferma da parte dell’ente ospitante;
d. la dichiarazione di percepire o non percepire una retribuzione o un contributo per la copertura delle spese da parte dell’ente ospitante (o da parte di altri enti) e l’indicazione dell’ammontare della retribuzione o del contributo;
e. l’entità del finanziamento richiesto, che in ogni caso non può essere superiore ai 2000 euro per destinazioni europee e ai 2500 per destinazioni extraeuropee.

I candidati devono scaricare, compilare e firmare l’apposito application form, da allegare all’email di candidatura insieme ai documenti sopra elencati.

Le richieste devono essere inviate almeno 45 giorni prima della partenza.

Sono rimborsabili unicamente le spese indicate nel Regolamento di Ateneo per le missioni, nei limiti stabiliti dal Regolamento medesimo.