Risultati 1 - 10 di 14

EuRheSHis - European Legal Rhetorical Studies and History. Discourse and speech in the social construction of justice

European Legal Rhetorical Studies and History. Speech an discourse in the social construction of justice (EuRheSHis) The EuRheSHis project (a) focuses on the role of verbal expression and the science (rhetoric) that studies its conditions of effectiveness in European legal education Read more from both historical and current perspectives; (b) introduces the fundamentals of classical rhetoric and shows how and why they are a common European heritage; (c) emphasises the ethical foundation of classical rhetoric (conflict management through discussion) and its importance as a tool for building justice and democracy in Europe. EuRheSHis envisages a multi-level teaching programme: (A) a 42-hour course aimed at university students, based on the transmission of the theoretical notions of classical rhetoric and the concrete production of speeches [JM Teaching course]; (B) three seminars aimed at legal practitioners an civil servants on topics of specific professional interest (rhetoric of judicial discourse; rhetoric of negotiation acts; rhetoric of regulatory and administrative acts) [JM Professional Lectures]; (C) Open-access user-friendy tools aimed at high-school students to disseminate an communicate the basics of rhetoric, its ethical values and its connection to the founding values of the EU [→ JM Open-access Tools]. EuRheSHis also aim to encourage the creation of a European network of specialists in the field of legal rhetoric and history. In doing so, EuRheSHis aspires: (i) to spread knowledge about the cultural roots of the European Union; (ii) to train future jurists in the discursive construction of justice; (iii) to develop the ability to deconstruct public discourses, as a means of defence against the dangers of manipulation and distortion of information; (iv) and to educate in conscious European citizenship.

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Bando: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

AniCompLaw - Animal Law in Comparative and Global Perspective

The project aims at introducing the study and research in animal law with a comparative perspective within the course of law. Nowadays there is a total lack of courses which are fully dedicated on that topic, notwithstanding the role and relevance Read more of animal law and animal related problems in many fields of the law and the increasing interest of students for this topic. In this direction, the project aims at realizing two main results: (i) Activation of a module of 42 hours dedicated to animal law related aspects, from public and criminal law, to civil law. A special attention will also be devoted to the links between animal law and sustainability issues with reference to specific fields of analysis. (ii) The module will also be conducted with a special attention to comparative law treaching, taking into consideration the evolution of animal alw in some Euroean Cuntries, as well as with refrence to European law. The course will be held in Italian and in English specially thanks to the participation of foreign academics and for this it will be able to attract Erasmus students and to prepare Italian students for the outgoing mobility. The course is based on a collaborative approach to learning, involving a high level of interaction during lessons. The course is therefore based on a strong legal approach intended to promote excellence in this area of EU Studies. The project will raise consciousness and contribute to academic studies of animal law. It is intended to have a strong impact on the scientific knowledge of the academic community, policymakers and regulators, both at national and international level. On a more general level, the project ambition is to enhance knowledge and awareness on one of the most urgent problems currently questioning modern societies, highlighting EU pivotal role as a driver for improving animal welfare.

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Bando: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

EPPONFI - EPPO: A New Frontier in Integration

The creation of European Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”) is the result of an extensive exercise aimed at strengthening protection of financial interests in the EU and is a paradigm shift in domain of freedom, security, and justice. As the EPPO Read more commences its operations, it is necessary for all stakeholders to understand its functioning, impact and the potential of the new “European criminal process”. In particular, it is quintessential to understand the mechanisms of cooperation between the EPPO and the other EU institutions and agencies on the one hand, and the EPPO and other member and non-member States, on the other hand. In view of the landmark changes introduced as a result of the creation of the EPPO, EPPONFI seeks to establish innovative and modern teaching, with research and public engagement on the protection of financial interests in the EU in light of the activities of the EPPO. EPPONFI will focus on the role of the EPPO for the protection of the EU’s financial interests as well as on its effects in the domains of cooperation between law enforcement and the judiciary. Consequently, it seeks to foster integration in the areas of freedom, security, and justice. Presently, Prof. Ubertazzi at UNIMIB is coordinating the ongoing Jean Monnet Module "EPPO and EU Law: a Step Forward in Integration” (STEPPO). With its interdisciplinary and technological approach, this Module is a successful experience. EPPONFI wants to fully exploit its potential. For example, if we obtained new fundings, UNIMIB could further develop its technological tools (i.e. the development of a VR Pilot Case 2 in collaboration with the MiBTec Lab, Psychology Department, UNIMIB) and undertake economic analysis to closely assess the impact of frauds that are detrimental to the EU budget (in collaboration with the Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Strategic Business, UNIMIB).

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Bando: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Centres of Excellence
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

FAMIMOVE 2.0 - Families on the Move: The Coordination between international family law and migration law

FAMIMOVE’s general objective is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU acquis in the field of international family law, in particular by ensuring more awareness of international child protection instruments applicable to migrant children. To this end, the Read more project seeks to implement the recommendations of the studies published in June 2017 by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs (prepared by this proposal’s core team) against the current framework of the Brussels IIter and other main instruments of cross-border cooperation in in family law areas. In particular, the project will seek to collect comparative empirical data in seven MSs and will put in place transnational pilot projects relating to key issues of international child protection (including the portability of child protection arrangements such as kafala, the legal treatment of child marriage, etc.). The overall goal is to ensureFAMIMOVE’s general objective is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU acquis in the field of international family law, in particular by ensuring more awareness of international child protection instruments applicable to migrant children.

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Bando: Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

THEuMa - Towards a History of European Markets: Institutionalization, Standardization and Legal Harmonization

Harmonization of EU law and standardization of norms, in its various ways, continues to act as a solid guiding criterion in the European context, increasingly contributing to a better definition of economic relations and in turn projecting itself into an intercontinental dimension. Read more Through an exegetical problem-solving approach to historical and contemporary sources, we will highlight how issues, which at first glance may seem recent, had already been grasped and addressed since ancient times. Carrying out a contemporary legal, economic and historical analysis will enable a deeper understanding of choices made by institutions, in order to then compare them with the most modern approaches to European integration: from the various projects to unify contract law in past decades, to new forms of harmonization "in a weak sense" carried out within national legal systems, to specific interventions aimed at regulating single problems of an economic nature. Students participating in the course (ca. 100 in 3 years) will acquire an in-depth understanding of legal and economic methodologies in their historical context, but also a much broader perspective with an extended view of the foundations of law, economics and culture that continue to define Europe today. The main objectives of the course are the development of a critical approach to law and its sources, in order to refine students' perception of contemporary challenges and endow them with up-to-date problem solving skills. The in-depth studies carried out and the knowledge acquired will contribute to the growth of an European awareness of these future legal and economic professionals, concretely projecting them into the transnational dimension of European lawyers, who put into practice new forms of reasoning, accurate problem solving and implement projects that will help support EU policies. There will be an annual series of lectures; results will be made available to the public in a conference and book publication.

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Bando: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

EHRAS - European and international Human Rights At Sea

The European and international Human Rights at Sea (EHRAS) project aims at addressing an emerging issue in EU studies by developing a 42 hours course on European and international human rights at sea, to be taught at the University of Read more Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy), together with a lecture series open to participants from outside the university and an open conference, which will involve academics and stakeholders. The project will achieve four specific objectives: educate the future generation of lawyers on how to apply European and international human rights law at sea; educate present and future national stakeholders – government officials, legal practitioners, national and international civil servants, civil society actors, armed forces and the media – on the concrete international and EU legal and political instruments applicable to enhance human rights protection at sea within the EU; generate knowledge among EU policymakers on the Union’s and the Member States’ obligations and on the concrete instruments to adequately enforce them; and trigger debate at the EU and international level on the need for a global strategy to address the various instances of human rights violations at sea in a holistic and organized manner. Beneficiaries of the project include university students; national and European stakeholders, including civil servants; governmental officials; national judges and lawyers; members of the armed forces; members of civil society. Expected results include organizing the first ever course on European and international human rights at sea and publishing a leading collection of essays on the conceptual and practical issues raised by the application of human rights at sea, which will guide research policy action in this field for the coming years.

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Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

IntHuR - Right to the Internet and Human Rights on the Internet in the algorithmic era

Nowadays, the protection of human rights and the definition itself of democracy cannot be separated from the Internet Governance. The Net has become one of the main means of communication and information, as well as a progressively important instrument of Read more political participation. At the same time, in the giant market of the Internet data themselves are one of the major commodities, managed and processed by private operators thanks to algorithmic technologies: in this way, big platforms online are gaining an increasingly pervasive control over information. The ongoing and fast-paced change of the digital world generates a lively juridical activity where the European Union plays a key role on both the legislative and the jurisdictional levels. This activity shows how the initial liberal approach aiming to secure economic freedoms has been replaced by a perspective based on protection of fundamental rights. In the latest years, following the ECJ’s judicial path to a full protection of fundamental rights in the digital environment, the EU legislation has been increasingly shifting towards a more constitutional approach, as in the GDPR. Furthermore, the objectives of the Digital Single Market are now under revision according to a strategy which enhances democratic values and respects fundamental rights, as recently stated in the Communication “Shaping Europe's digital future” (COM/2020/67) and “A European strategy for data” (COM(2020) 66), an approach also shared by the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (COM/2020/65). Our proposal’s background lies at the heart of a vital topic of EU Studies. We intend to address it from a particularly innovative perspective: a single course of 42 hours plus workshops and roundtables fully dedicated at the law of the Internet as one of the most important areas of an emerging European Constitutional framework, focusing on the protection of Human Rights in the digital world as the distinctive feature of the European approach.

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Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

STEPPO - The EPPO and EU law: a step forward in integration

The project aims to provide EU citizens with a deep introductory insight into the European Public Prosecutor's Office (the EPPO) through dialogue between prosecutors, law enforcement officers, EU officers, practitioners, academics, students and the general public. It is a 48- hours-per-year teaching Read more programme concentrated on this new EU body, emphasising its role in the EU dimension against the background of the intertwining of its competences with national ones, without any limiting focus on a national system or another.

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Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Boosting psychotherapy effects by means of transcranial direct current stimulation

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AMICABLE - Best practice Tools assisting with the enforceability of mediated agreements in the EU and specifically in PL, SP, IT, DE and a Model for incorporating mediation into child abduction proceedings

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Bando: 2018-009 - JUST-AG-2018 - JUST-JCOO-AG-2018
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION