Department of excellence

The School of law has achieved a significant recognition of its research value, proving to be one of the 15 national Law Departments qualified as excellent by the MIUR.

The selection was based on the results of the “Research quality evaluation” (VQR) in accordance with ANVUR/2017 outcome and on the quality of the research project submitted by the Department (School of Law).

The project entitled “Diritto e società plurale – Law and Pluralism” aims to investigate the conflicts emerging from the increasing pluralism of society.

Cultural, ethnic and religious pluralism represents a permanent feature of contemporary Europe. Therefore, pluralism is currently an inevitable issue in every local governance, both national and supranational. However, this “ostentatious” pluralism often results in religious and/ or cultural conflicts: membership of a group is claimed as an essential and constituent element of the right to identity in front of civil institutions. The guarantee of the democratic principle and the protection of the rights find in this field one of the hardest testing grounds.

The matter of pluralism is no longer escapable by the States and, specifically, by the Italy. Pluralism is going to become more and more central in the very near future. Collecting and studying legislative provisions, policies and case-law will build an information network and will establish knowledge with a permanent observatory. This will contribute to create a unique center of research in Italy (currently an urgent need due to the absence of such a structure). The research will involve comparing our legal system with the European and the Anglo-American systems, which have already addressed this problem.

The purpose is to identify not only the theoretical profiles of pluralism, but also to analyze the practices and the methods of conflicts resolution and to train class of legal professionals endowed with the legal tools and knowledge essential to operate in an intercultural context. This is an urgent need in order to organize this rapidly changing society and to prevent forms of radicalisation.

A didactic program inside the master’s degree, Ph.D. scholarships and research grants will allow to unravel a progressive educational process aimed at the acquisition of indispensable knowledge in the current world of legal professions.

The Department, with this research, poses itself as a unique center at national level and as a privileged partner on international level, starting connections and collaborations with the principals existing centers. The Department will start a joined working table in order to verify the existence of common issues and to identify possible shared legal guidelines (both formal and substantial), despite the diversity of the national legal systems.

The scientific dialogue will also help to comprehend if and how overcoming the traditional mechanisms of problem solving would be possible, by means of alternative forms of justice.