
Departmental monitoring committee

  • Loredana Garlati
  • Silvia Buzzelli
  • Serena Crespi
  • Lorenzo Giasanti
  • Tullio Scovazzi
  • Giulio Vigevani
  • Beatrice Magenes


The ISMU Foundation is the organisation chosen for monitoring project activities, as it is a significant reference for studies, research and initiatives on the multi-ethnic and multicultural society.

Established in 1993, the ISMU Foundation is an independent scientific organisation which promotes studies, research and initiatives about multiethnic and multicultural societies. The ISMU, in its more than twenty years of activity, has strengthened its role as an organisation deeply involved in studying migratory phenomena and multicultural transformation of the society, simultaneously to the growth of public and politic relevance of these topics; thus becoming a key partner in the dialogue with the authorities involved in the governance of these processes.

The ISMU foundation deals with research, legal advice, training, as other organisations operating in the national territory; but it has nonetheless built a unique experience in Italy in monitoring phenomena connected with the development of multicultural and multiethnic societies. Its uniqueness is also shown in monitoring the dynamics of migration processes through the collection of statistic data and qualitative information.

An evidence of the above-mentioned features and activities is given by its fifteen years of experience in monitoring and evaluation of projects dealing with topics of migration and multiethnic societies, financed by national and European funds and public procurements.
Particularly, the ISMU has gained a solid experience in providing technical assistance, monitoring and evaluation services of the various projects financed by the Ministry of the Interior through the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals (2007-2013).

Currently, the ISMU is in charge of the evaluation and monitoring of different projects financed by national and European funds (2014-2020).