Departmental Centre for Law and Pluralism (BiLap)



The School of Law – Study Centre for “Law and Pluralism” (BiLap) has been founded in order to develop the Excellence Project, to which national and international scholars can affiliate.
The Centre intends to promote legal research and to spread knowledge about the issues related to the management of conflicts and diversities existing inside multicultural and multifaith democracies.
The Centre, in the pursuit of its aims, is supported by an Observatory which is in charge of the production, promotion and diffusion of knowledge about “Law and Pluralism”.
The above-mentioned goals will be achieved through the following activities:

  • the building of an Observatory composed of a website and a related database including Italian, European and International norms, case law and legal practices about “Law and pluralism”;
  • the promotion of scientific cooperation between scholars of different fields, aiming at the identification of new directives and guidelines, relevant for national and international legal sciences;
  • the spread of research results through a Research Paper Series, hosted by the SSRN, and the Publication Series of monographs run by the School of Law;
  • the support for the publication of studies and researches carried out by the Centre;
  • the organisation of conferences, meetings, seminars and any other activity addressed to the spread and enhancement of the studies about pluralism;
  • the promotion of meetings, confrontation and cooperation between scholars, civil society, public authorities and private organisations interested in deepening specific areas of pluralism inside democratic societies;
  • the education and teaching of the topic of “Law and Pluralism”;
  • the cooperation between research centers dealing with pluralism, and the participation to national and international projects that give value to the above-mentioned research and studies.

The above-mentioned activities and any other activity useful for the pursuit of the Centre’s aims can be conducted in cooperation with interuniversity, interdepartmental and departmental centers, Public Authorities and private organisations or scientific associations, both national and international, having converging interests, in compliance with the regulations in force for Universities.

Loredana Garlati

  • Maurizio Arcari
  • Patrizia Borsellino
  • Adolfo Ceretti
  • Filippo Danovi
  • Loredana Garlati
  • Gioacchino La Rocca
  • Natascia Marchei
  • Alfredo Marra
  • Stefania Ninatti
  • Nicola Sartori
  • Franco Scarpelli

Under construction.